solavedi organics

H E A L T H + B E A U T Y with ROOTS LLC

coriander + citron body cream


coriander + citron body cream


Is it all “Summertime and the livin is easy”,
but just not for your skin?

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Is it all “Summertime and the livin is easy”,
but just not for your skin?

Glorious Pitta Season.

Not so much summer love this year?
Summers are hotter, more humid, more stormy and longer lasting than they used to be.

And, hot toxins come right to the skin’s surface.

Drinking tea made with Corander and Fennel can help reduce the hot toxins in the organs, which might help quiet the heat travelling from the organs to the skin.
Herbalism instructs us that its even better to apply topically whatever we take internally, because of the messenger molecules working on our behalf towards harmony.

So, this Corander Body Cream returns each summer.

It can be used from head to toe, and even on the face.

the other remedy for high pitta is cold water over the top of the head.
(whether it’s from the shower, a hose, or swimming, try it)